I mentioned earlier that the phone will work with a 48MP Vivo rear camera. In previous versions, the company presented the line with a blue-collar rating. Then the official version of the Vivo S5 announces a new color choice, a darker shade. The call starts in two days. Let's look at some of the key features of the phone.
The official image of the Vivo S5 announces a new color in dark blue
The Vivo S5 is falling on Kaya's arm. The phone features a diamond-shaped design and a camera lens. These are the official forms announced by the company.
But fear not, the REAL app has features on some phones. According to TENAA, the phone runs at 6.44 6. AMOLED 1080p resolution. Alternatively, the Snapdragon 712 SoC has a 2.3GHz core with the required emulation.
Otherwise, the phone comes with Funtouch's Android operating system. Also, there is 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage space. Here's some good news for the photos. The Vivo S5 has a former 32MP star. As already mentioned, the rear has four rear cameras with 48MP, 8MP UltraVide, 5MP focal length, and 2MP micro.
To protect the phone at all times, the Vivo S5 packs a 41010 mAh battery. The call will start next Thursday. Go with more details.
The official image of the Vivo S5 announces a new color in dark blue
The Vivo S5 is falling on Kaya's arm. The phone features a diamond-shaped design and a camera lens. These are the official forms announced by the company.
But fear not, the REAL app has features on some phones. According to TENAA, the phone runs at 6.44 6. AMOLED 1080p resolution. Alternatively, the Snapdragon 712 SoC has a 2.3GHz core with the required emulation.
Otherwise, the phone comes with Funtouch's Android operating system. Also, there is 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage space. Here's some good news for the photos. The Vivo S5 has a former 32MP star. As already mentioned, the rear has four rear cameras with 48MP, 8MP UltraVide, 5MP focal length, and 2MP micro.
To protect the phone at all times, the Vivo S5 packs a 41010 mAh battery. The call will start next Thursday. Go with more details.