What is Nanotechnology

Today the world is changing from modern to modern, science and technology have evolved very fast and new things have been provided to human beings. Humans are accessing thousands of home-based facilities through computers and the Internet, and many tasks take place in minutes and seconds. The fastest-growing technology is the nanotechnology, in this modern age. It is possible to guess what it will look like in the future.

Nanotechnology is called manipulation of material at the nanoscale. Nano refers to objects that are about a million times smaller than the tip of a needle. If we measure the length of a row by placing three or four atoms in a row, then it will be a billionth of a meter that we call nanometer. Install it in place so it's really nanotechnology.

Some scientists believe that many of the revolutionary inventions that will take place in the field of science and technology in the 21st century are due to nanotechnology. In the 21st century, nanotechnology will bring about even greater revolution. The experts say that nanotechnology can change every technology. Its future looks very bright.

The raw materials used in this technology are actually materials that are used as bricks in a particular building block or house in the birth of lifeless and non-living objects. Nanotechnology is used on a very small scale. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. That is, if ten atoms of hydrogen were added one after another, that would be a nanometer. A DNA molecule is a two-and-a-half nanoparticles. One blood cell is five thousand nanometers, and a human hair is 80,000 nanometers thick. This shows how nanotechnology works on a very small scale.

Nanotechnology not only has a very small size of material but also changes its properties. Bringing the radiation to the nano level makes it so elastic that it can be pulled at room temperature by fifty times longer than ordinary copper. They can also be very poisonous. Many materials are being made by combining lifeless cells and substances with lifeless atoms.

In these situations, experts are warning that such drugs or creams can penetrate the body's cells and destroy them, damage DNA or eliminate bloodborne barriers. Crossing the border between the brain and the blood is difficult for medicine. Many people are happy with the use of this technology in food and medicine. Scientists and experts are worried about the environment. Experts warn that the more powerful the technology, the more its effects on human society. The more we will get involved.

Stanford University professor Paul Saifo says it is important that we develop policies on the use of nanotechnology. Are very important. We made the atom bomb first and then made the rules, so that people don't start bombing indiscriminately. The same will happen with new technologies. But despite all this, nanotechnology is being given importance, which is because the benefits are greater than the disadvantages of this technology.

According to some experts, it has become necessary to make new rules for the proper use of nanotechnology. Nanosas are objects that are about one million times smaller than the tip of a needle. It is believed that this technology will bring about revolutionary changes in human life in the coming years. Experts believe that people will be surprised at the batteries that expire in just a few years, because the battery that has been running for many years will be burned out due to nanotechnology.

Scientists at MIT University in the US believe that in a few years, nanotechnology will make it easier for US troops to move goods from one place to another. Where a soldier has to carry a load of 10 or 15 kilograms at this time, there will be only 10 or 15 grams after a few years. However, the report also acknowledges that it may have some side effects, especially small substances like yanino tube particles that can go into the human body when inhaled. Through the use of atoms and molecules, various objects can be given extraordinary roles.

The report from the Royal Hundred and Royal Academy of Engineering recommends that nanomaterials and nanotubes should be given new chemical products under British and European laws. They should be independently verified by the Scientific Security Committee before being included in the item. This report reviews the impact of nanotechnology on the environment, human health and safety.

Proponents of this technology say it will be very useful for medical and industrial research. They say that the extraordinary role of objects at small scales can be used to create better machines, but many misconceptions about this science have arisen. Because of this, even machines smaller than viruses will take over the world and destroy it. Experts say such things are completely false and unrealistic.
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